Friday, April 9, 2010


Most Recent MD appt.

The guys had an MD appt. on 4/6. The appointment went really well. August is now weighing 11 pounds 9 0z. Luke is weighing 10 pounds 14 oz and Henry is weighing 10 pounds 2 oz. Even more exciting then the weight gain is that Luke is no longer on Oxygen. We had been waking him up to feed him in the middle of the night and his nasal cannula would be on top of his nose. So, we knew he was getting close to not needing it. He's been off it now since Tuesday and doing great. Henry only has to wear his apnea monitor at night. It's so nice not dragging all those supplies around the house. No changes with August. He's still looking as good as ever and continues to gain major weight. We're so proud of our guys. They've come such a long way.


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